Want to buy some illusions?
Slightly used, second hand.
They were lovely illusions,
Reaching high,
built on sand.
They had a touch of paradise,
A spell you can’t explain,
For in this crazy paradise
You are in love with pain.
Want to buy some illusions?
Slightly used, almost new,
Such romantic illusions,
And they’re all about you.
I’ll sell them all for a penny,
They make pretty souvenirs.
Take my lovely illusions
Some for laughs – some for tears.
Friedrich Hollaender
Found myself humming this beautiful song whilst spinning these extraordinary pieces (which at first glance resemble oversized chess pieces) into line yesterday – As with life, its not the structure itself, but the spaces in between…..
Feeling somewhat Alice in Wonderland and completely enchanted by this large Illusionary Sculpture.
In February 2021 when we first acquired this extraordinary sculpture by Greg Payce. I have (finally) conceded that we are unlikely to get around to the sympathetic restoration it needs and rather than leave it crammed into a corner it is time to list it for sale and allow the new owner the opportunity to return it to the condition it deserves and display for many to enjoy. Standing close to 7ft tall and each section a minimum three man lift you are unlikely to see another. Commissioned for a high end premises several decades ago but warehouse stored for many years the top fluted edges have some damage which requires the rebuilding of the clay/plaster to make good again.